Audio Story Editor

The speecheditor is a web app for editing and adding musical scores to audio stories. Instead of editing speech using waveforms, the speecheditor allows you to edit audio with text, like a word processor. Likewise, it allows users to easily loop musical tracks and add musical underlays à la This American Life. The speecheditor is described in detail in our paper, "Content-based Tools for Editing Audio Stories."

Please visit the speecheditor site to download the software and learn how to use it. Or check out the source code on github.

D3 Deconstructor

D3 Deconstructor is a Chrome extension that lets you extract the data from visualizations constructed using D3.js. Install the extension and then right-click on a D3 visualization to invoke the deconstructor. The extension extracts the underlying data and generates a new window showing the data values in tabular form. You can then download the extracted data in CSV or JSON to use in your own projects.

Please visit the D3 Deconstructor site to download the extension and learn how to use it. Or download the code directly from github.

Radiotool Python Library

Radiotool is a python library that aims to make it easy to create audio by piecing together bits of other audio files. It also supports music retargeting techniques, which take a song and remix it from its own existing beats/structure to fit the music to certain constraints. This library was built for our audio editing projects: UnderScore and Content-Based Tools for Editing Audio Stories.

Please see the official radiotool documentation, and download the source directly from github (or install via pip and pypi).

3D Puppetry Software

Our 3D Puppetry software allows users to directly perform animations using physical toys in front of a Kinect depth sensor. It tracks the puppets in real time and re-renders them in a virtual scene using stored 3D models. Even novices with no prior animation experience can produce entertaining shorts after using our system for only 30 minutes.

Please visit the official 3D Puppetry Software site to download the software and learn more, or download the code directly from github.

Proton Multitouch Framework

Proton is a C++ library that allows developers to specify multitouch gestures as a regular expression of touch event symbols. Proton then automatically provides gesture recognition code and performs gesture matching on user touch events.

Please visit the official Proton site to download the software and learn more, or download the source code directly from github.

Flare Visualization Toolkit

Flare is a collection of ActionScript 3 classes for building a wide variety of interactive visualizations. Written by Jeff Heer, flare can be used to build basic charts, complex animations, network diagrams, treemaps, and more. Flare is written in the ActionScript 3 programming language and can be used to build visualizations that run on the web in the Adobe Flash Player.

More information can be found on the official Flare site.

Prefuse Visualization Toolkit

Prefuse is a set of software tools for creating rich interactive data visualizations. Written by Jeff Heer, this toolkit supports a rich set of features for data modeling, visualization, and interaction. It provides optimized data structures for tables, graphs, and trees, a host of layout and visual encoding techniques, and support for animation, dynamic queries, integrated search, and database connectivity.

Please visit the official Prefuse site for more information. The toolkit can be downloaded here.