VidCrit: Video-Based Asynchronous Video Review
Amy Pavel (UC Berkeley), Dan B Goldman (Google), Björn Hartmann (UC Berkeley), Maneesh Agrawala (Stanford)
Video production is a collaborative process in which stakeholders regularly review drafts of the edited video to indicate problems and offer suggestions for improvement. Although practitioners prefer in-person feedback, most reviews are conducted asynchronously via email due to scheduling and location constraints. The use of this impoverished medium is challenging for both providers and consumers of feedback. We introduce VidCrit, a system for providing asynchronous feedback on drafts of edited video that incorporates favorable qualities of an in-person review. This system consists of two separate interfaces: (1) A feedback recording interface captures reviewers' spoken comments, mouse interactions, hand gestures and other physical reactions. (2) A feedback viewing interface transcribes and segments the recorded review into topical comments so that the video author can browse the review by either text or timelines. Our system features novel methods to automatically segment a long review session into topical text comments, and to label such comments with additional contextual information. We interviewed practitioners to inform a set of design guidelines for giving and receiving feedback, and based our system's design on these guidelines. Video reviewers using our system preferred our feedback recording interface over email for providing feedback due to the reduction in time and effort. In a fixed amount of time, reviewers provided 10.9 (σ=5.09) more local comments than when using text. All video authors rated our feedback viewing interface preferable to receiving feedback via e-mail.
The VidCrit interface consists of a direct navigation pane for navigating the feedback session using the webcam and source video timelines, and a segmented comments pane for reviewing transcribed and segmented critiques. The direct navigation pane features the source and webcam videos along with a title (A), a feedback session timeline (B), a source video timeline (C) and the source video transcript (D). The segmented comments pane features sorting, filtering and search options (E), along with a list of segmented comments (F).
Research Paper