== Observer 1's Notes: == *Interview 1* Notes: never used an iPhone before Task 1 - Create a Profile followed help instructions "add allergen?" confused by profile creation for a second found search bar created custom allergen table needs to be sorted/repopulated after adding custom allergen confusion because table didn't more after selection of allergen Task 2 - Search Product could search, find, pretty straight-forward and easy what happened if couldn't find product? tried different search selected similar,but not same, product did not notice google search option Task 3 - Multiple Profiles performed very fluidly, easily noticed detailed ingredient list this time really liked it Misc Notes: deleted profile fine, enjoyed the application, was fairly happy with experience *Interview 2* Notes: used iPhone before Task 1 - 1m 34s added tree-nuts, then tried to add walnuts not clear that tree-nuts encompassed walnuts little to no difficulties Task 2 - 33s tree-nuts (categories) is very broad in general, there needs to be some clarity/specification searched fine, selected fine Task 3 - 41s ran smoothly user thought on/off feature was very cool Task 4 - Custom Allergen tried 2-3 times to add the allergen, kept pressing the wrong button not clear how to get to the created allergen, should appear right away same problem w/ unclarity in table movement after searching for allergen problem figuring out add button? (thats new) Misc user said they never use help functions/read manual, but feels it is important for new users *Interview 3* Notes: Task 1 - create profile went pretty smoothly, user had little to no troubles using interface, figuring out buttons Task 2 - search for product was able to realize on own that analyze tabs are pressable (to go to details) user would rather type a small part of the product name and scroll through a long list than to type the whole name willing to cycle for a LONG time Task 3 - create more profiles when looking at analyzed details, could tell very clearly/quickly what everything meant Task 4 - create custom allergen did not utilize the search bar to select allergen showed confusion about the custom allergy interface adding ingredients Misc said app was pretty simple, common sense, and intuitive. clear information, liked color/visuals visuals allow rough attention to details, doesn't have to focus too much == Observer 2's Notes: == * Interview 1 * Create a profile: 1 min:56 Seconds User began by reading the instructions on the help screen Clicked profile tab: intuitive. Did not know how to add custom allergen, attempted to search Upon search, added custom profile. Created custom allergen with meat. Specified chicken, pork, !!! New allergen needs to appear on top of screen. !!! Allergen not shown at top, user did not think to scroll down to bottom of list Task 2: Search for a product using new profile Subtask Create Profile: 18 sec Subtask Search: 21 sec Could not find initial product in database - Crystal Geyser Juice Squeeze 53 seconds Lime juice not in database Would you intuitively click on this Did not know about clicking on Red circle, green check symbols are straightforward and clean ----- * Interview 3 * Create profile and add allergen: 0:37 Straightforward Next 20 results does not work!!! Search for nature valley granola bars: 1:48 The user did not type in full search terms only gave general description "granola" Decided to scroll through results: time-consuming Observation: user had large hands, perhaps allow text entry in landscape mode Add new profile: 0:42 User tried to slide screen to go back to previous Search for new product: 0:36 User did not notice "add custom allergen" User initially did not add ingredients; popup was useful for indicating error. Add custom allergen : 2:05 Red circle / green checkmark are good. == Observer 3's Notes== --INTERVIEW 1-- Task 1: create a profile with allergens (user added custom allergen) Time: 1:56 -no user errors just systen errors -meat still in search bar after creating custom allergen so the new allergen does not show up -has to assume ingredients are stuff she is allergic to Task 2: Search Nature Valley Bar Time: :53 -no user or systen errors -user did not intuitively tap name to learn more Task 3: Make second profile, Search product for both Time: :21 -no user errors -she learned the process and it was very fast the second time -user again did nto intuitively tap name to learn more but thought she could do it -found SEVERE bug with deleting profiles -found bugs with system --INTERVIEW 2-- Task 1: create a profile with allergens Time: 1:33 -no user errors just systen errors -user doesnt make the keyboard go away on two occations -time delays are due to unfamiliarity with iphone interface Task 2: Search Nature Valley Bar Time: :33 -no user or systen errors -user did not intuitively tap name to learn more Task 3: Make second profile with custom allergen, Search product for both Time: :41 -user has a hard time figuring out how to add custom allergen because it at the bottom of the list and unselected -forgets to dismiss keyboard Tasl 4: delete profile Time: 7 seconds -thinks it should be in all profiles section Overall: The application is impressive looks forward to barcode scanner == Observer 4's Notes: == *Interview 1* Female user, never used iPhone or similar device before Task 1: Create Profile Following the information in help tab closely Found Profile tab easily Could follow layout of Add Profile interface well Did not glance through the allergens listed but used search first to find if anything related to pescatarian was listed. Bright green "Save" button was easy to find. Was confused about if the allergen was selected/added to her profile after she made the custom allergen - needed to scroll down to find the custom allergen Task 2: Search for Product Tried to find a product but did not find the particular one she was looking for Did NOT realize that she could use google search Did not realize that you can scroll through products (b/c new user?) Task 3: Making Multiple Profiles Making a profile was much easier after the first time. Remembered where all the buttons were and did not need to look at the help tab like the first time Task 4: Editing and Deleting Profiles The user had no trouble editing or deleting profiles Only confusing point was how to use the on/off button but again, that was b/c she had never used the iPhone or worked with the iPhone interface before. *Interview 3* Task 1: Create Profile Followed the flow of the interface easily Did not realize the keyboard (for adding the name of the profile) would only disappear after you press "Return" on the keyboard Task 2: Search for Produce First scrolled through the products listed, then searched for product. Used the "Next 20" option several times before typing in more parameters to the search option In Analyze, realized right away that he could find more information by clicking on the name of the profile Task 3: Create Multiple Profiles created more profiles easily and efficiently, proving again that it's faster to create profiles with more iterations of the program When creating custom allergen, confused name of allergen to actual allergen Notes: All the interviewees felt that the green check and the red cross sign clearly indicated that either foods were safe or unsafe. There was no confusion this time, unlike last time about that these signs indicated.