Final Report Group 7 * Jiahan Jiang * Harendra Guturu * Diane Ko * Khoa Phung Installation Instructions: * To run the program, the zipped file needs to be unzipped and then imported into Eclipse as an Android project (this should be handled by the .project file include in the zipped file) * The activity com.berkeley.cs160.group7.BeenTheereDoneThatHiFi.Launcher needs to be executed for the program to run properly * In the Android menu the program has a globe icon and is displayed as "Been There'" Requirements * Internet connectivity * Android sdk m5-rc14 * Java Limitations * The notification tool has some bugs due to Threads that were not resolved. This causes the notification to only report once. * Notification tool "fakes" sound alerts by using toasts. * The system is designed to ONLY work with the keyboard. Behavior such as null pointer exceptions may result if the mouse is used to click on the screen. * Only a small database of items is currently present due to time issues. * GPS based tracking is currently not supported. Use the DPAD to simulate movement.